Hi Lyn

>   If you're looking to double a thread, do you go to something that is double 
> the desired thread in wraps and double it?   80/2 Bockens is 28 wraps, so 
> that doubled it would be 14. I realize that the best thing is to try it out, 
> but I'd much rather stack the odds toward succeeding in the first try.  Also, 
> will doubled gimp work?

When you say 'double the thread' do you mean that you have doubled the size of 
the pattern?  
Does that mean enlarged by 200%? 
or doubled the area (enlarged by 141%)?

Whatever you have done, or plan to do, look at new size pricking and measure 
the distance between the foot-edge pins.  Then look at the table at
or page 8 in Threads for Lace Ed 5.
and from that work out the ideal wraps/cm size.

The size of a gimp is equivalent to  least four strands, and preferably six 
strands of the main thread.  Translated to w/cm the gimp should be  main thread 
w/cm divided by 2.5.  

Two strands of any thread which measures 28 w/cm will *not* work out as 14 w/cm 
- because to increase from 28w/cm to 14 w/cm you need to double the diameter of 
the thread, using a thread doubled only increases the (average) area of the 
cross section, although two threads wrapped together won't interlock fully to 
form a rounded thread and so the resulting w/cm measurement will be a lower 
number than theory would predict.

Brenda in Allhallows

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