You could post it on laceioli.ning. Since I set it up as a public site, even
non-members can see everything that is posted. Then post a link here.

-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Thursday, December 7, 2017 10:44 AM
To: N.A. Neff <>; Jeri Ames <>
Cc: Karen Thompson <>; Arachne <>
Subject: RE: [lace] Bucks point - on Ipswich-style Pillow at Smithsonian

Nancy writes:
I don't have any
place to post something myself that would be easy to get to, and I don't
think Devon does either.

Actually, I am the editor of the IOLI facebook site, so I could post the
photos on there. This is available to everyone who is on facebook, which is
quite a lot of people, although I am not sure how many are arachnids. The
photos in the NELG newsletter are accompanied by text written by Jeri, to
which she holds copyright. Technically, copyright of the format is the NELGb

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