I too started in the 1970's as a teenager. Saw a demo on a local nostalgic
summer fair. Being crafty I wanted too try. Found a few books in the local
library, the local craft store happened to have bobbins in stock, improvised
a pillow and got hooked. 

Those days some crafty Dutch magazines published courses or patterns but I
did not have a subscription. In 1978s the LOKK was founded. Mainly by woman
from an era that expelled them from the working class as soon as they
married and then got an empty nest in the 1970's. What also might be of
influence was household chores becoming less elaborate with for example
washing machines resulting in more leisure time.
1914 http://www.kantklosschoolwijdenes.nl/ 
1954 https://internationalorganizationoflace.org/About/aboutus.html 
1982 https://www.oidfa.com/org.html.en 
1983 http://www.deutscher-kloeppelverband.de/index.php/wir-ueber-uns 
???? http://www.bkoobd.be
???? http://www.laceguild.org 

Comparing these dates, the 1970 seems to mark a transition from "nuttige
handwerken" (1) to crafts and leisure.
(1): an old fashioned Dutch expression for knitting/darning socks and
similar skills. At my primary school the girls still were taught these
"nuttige handwerken" while the boys...


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