On Sunday 28 March 2004 21:18, Roy wrote:
> > Q2. What happens if the SUM of all the clients' class RATE (+
> the
> > default class RATE) is bigger than 256kbit? Will HTB work
> correctly?
> Yes.
> --------
> This is incorrect:
> of course it will work more or less, but nearly same as without any shaping
It will work more then you think.  On the short term, traffic can be bursty 
for the different classes, but each one will belimited to 8kbit.  But on the 
long term, each class will get the same share of bandwidth.

> > Q3. What happens if the ISP does not guarantee a '"'full
> 256kbit'"'
> > bandwidth?
> > (Suppose that I set my Linux box to shape 256kbit and my ISP
> provides me
> > only 128kbit during high-traffic hours). Will HTB work
> correctly?
> Yes.
> -----
> For certain this is wrong, I dont understand why you say so, because
> everybody knows that you must limit ceil to a bit lover than you get from
> isp
> if you have unknown trafic you cant limit it.
Ok, my error.  I forgot about the "make sure YOU are the bottlleneck".  I 
thought it was a variant on question Q2.

> > Q4. As far as I understood R2Q means the ratio between the RATE
> and the
> > QUANTUM of a class... Which is more '"'powerful'"'? The
> RATE, or the QUANTUM?
> > (e.g. ClassA---QUANTUM 3000---RATE 8kbit, or
> > ClassB---QUANTUM 1500---RATE 16kbit)
> r2q is used to calculate the default quantum of a class: quantum =ate / r2q
> But you can overrule this default quantum when you add a class.
> ------
> quantum is more powerfull and usefull. since rate of 8kbit is insignificant
> speed anyway
> but it may be harder to calculate( didt tested if quantum can completely
> replace rate effect)
> in your example class A will get 2 times more bandwitch than class B
To be correct, it also depends on the packet size.  If you have packets of 
1499 bytes in class B and 1500 bytes in class A, both class will get the same 
rate.  Why?  Quantum for class B is 1500, so you can send 2 packets and these 
2 packets are counted as 1500 bytes.

> > Q5. The HTB Manual says that the sum of the LEAF CLASSES RATE
> must be
> > equal to the PARENT CLASS RATE. Is there such a rule for
> No
> ----
> seems correct,
> htb manual says nonsense,
> neither rates nether quantums need to be equal,
> but child sum rates and quantums ONLY SHOULD be less or equal to parent.
> quantums for schild basicaly should be not higer than parent quantums, else
> result may be starange.
I'm not sure but, isn't quanum only used for leaf classes?  So the quantum of 
parent classes doesn't mather ?


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