Hello Patrick

I personally use ipfm (http://freshmeat.net/projects/ipfm/) to do the
traffic logging, and then I got a home brewed perl script running in
cron every 5 min. to parse the accumulated data and create/update a RRD
(http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/rrdtool/) base for each
host. When you got the RRD bases you can output a nice graph on-the-fly
from you webserver or run the graphing procedure from cron. If you like
I could send you the ipfm config and the perl script.

There might be other "projects" to look at, like ntop and etc. Try
searching for it on freshmeat.net.

Note: This solution is primarily for general host traffic accumulation
based on a subnet. The stats are collected via libpcap and can be done
in promiscuous mode. This is not for website stats, for that you need to
parse your webserver log files. But I guess you already know that.  

Daniel Frederiksen, Cyberdoc.dk

On Tue, 2004-09-28 at 15:53, Patrick Coleman wrote:
> Hi,
> How do you meter the amount of bandwidth a user has consumed (as
> webhosting companies do) under linux? I have searched everywhere, but
> have been unable to find a solution. Apologies if this is the wrong
> forum.
> Thanks,
> Patrick
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