Well "DC" was the term used under the assumption that it is an
amplitude y-axis (DC = Direct Courant). It may not be the correct term
to use if the y-axis is in ms but as you say let's just call that

Yes you can remove the "dc" by subtracting the mean value but by doing
this you "define" your dc to be the mean value. What I meant with the
other component was, that if you look at your time signal, it looks
like a DC of approx. 1000 overlayed with a 50% to 75% of a single
period of a signal of amplitude approx. 10 and then something that
more or less looks like noise. So I was wondering what signal you were
actually chasing? What is the end goal of your measurement? How does
an "ideal" signal or result look like? What information do you expect
to extract from the power spectrum?  etc...

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