What you have said is really informative. Thanks a lot!

You suggested not using a window, but if I try without one, the
spectrum is crowded without any clear pattern showing up. I think not
removing the dc, was the problem why that high value for 0.0033 HZ
showed up. You talk about bins here, how do you label the bins here ?
How do you seperate them ?

Also, I am using FFT Power Spectral Density.vi for my PSD analysis.
This function asks what type of averaging you want to perform, I am
going with "no averaging". Am I doing the right thing, or I should
choose one from Vector Averaging, RMS averaging or Peak Hold ?  And
this function also has the Window constants input, and it's optional
using it. The question is, in my case, should I use the window
constant for noise bandwidth ? Should I really use that ?

Thanks & Best Regards,

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