Dear List,
I don't really think it's totally off topic from this
list, because it can also be LabVIEW related.
>From what I have read recently, I feel people are more
tolerant about so called "freeware", but notice not
all freeware are really "free" even it says "free",
it's only free for personal use, not
how many real value is it just because it's called
"free"? On the other hand why would people request
freeware while they would like to charge for what they
work for? Sure we would appreciate real freeware and
thanks for it, but there is no need to depreciate non
freeware, I would have understand if these people are
from some non-profit organization like university, but
people from industry they should accept non freeware
just as with freeware if they don't provide free
service themself.
Regarding the ad, I like to see some short ad in this
list. I like to get notified about new things in
LabVIEW world, so that I know one day if I need this
feature, there is a way to go rather than sitting in
the dark. There are too many information in internet,
but there are only few places to hang out for me like
this forum, so I would like to get notified here to
make me feel it's powerful to work with LabVIEW,
because you can do so many things...or would you
rather not knowing things that is capable with
Hope this makes sense.

Irene He
Yahoo Messenger ID: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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