Hi Sue,

>Sue Hartigan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>Hi Terry:
>I thought that she had already been convicted on the embezzlement thing
>and that she was serving her sentence right now.

Nope.  She is serving time for her Whitewater conviction.  Her trial for
embezzlement is pending.  And she is going to jail for contempt of court.
Unless you think she is a masochist she is obviously hiding something - to
with Clinton's involvement in Whitewater.

>In fact they had to go
>get her out of prison today to take her to the grand jury thing.  She
>has been released from jail for the Starr thing.

Yes.  She was in prison to compel testimony.  She can still be sentenced for
contempt of court if she still refuses to testify.

>In fact she was released the same day her ex died.
>Am I wrong here?

I think you are right but she went right back to prison to finish her
Whitewater conviction.

>> Hi Sue,
>> Does the last give you any hint why Susan McDougal might not want to testify
>> before the grand jury besides her fantastic claim she will prosecuted for
>> telling the truth?
>> Susan is awaiting trial on an embezzlement charge.
>> I agree with you she has been caught between big boys playing mean and
>> dirty.  It is illegal but common to torture recalcitrant witnesses who may
>> even fear for their lives or that of family if they testify.  The law says
>> they must be released when it becomes obvious they will not submit to
>> pressure.  Obviously Susan has shown she never will (read can).  But it is
>> Clinton who holds the aces rather than Starr.
>> Best,     Terry
>Two rules in life:
>1.  Don't tell people everything you know.
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Best,     Terry 

"Lawyer - one trained to circumvent the law"  - The Devil's Dictionary 

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