[EMAIL PROTECTED] (William J. Foristal) writes:

On Thu, 23 Apr 1998 05:33:44 -0500 Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Jackie Fellows <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Nope.  She is serving time for her Whitewater conviction.  Her trial 
>> embezzlement is pending.  And she is going to jail for contempt of 
>> Unless you think she is a masochist she is obviously hiding 
>something - to
>> with Clinton's involvement in Whitewater.
>> >> Best,     Terry
>Hi Terry
>I am a little puzzled here.  I don't think that her refusal to testify 
>implies she is hiding something, nor that she is a masochist.  Isn't 
>that rather a
>leap in logic??  Yes, in many cases people don't talk because they are 
>something, but that is not always the case.  It depends on the 
>assumptions you are
>making to draw your conclusions.  Some people would think she was a 
>defender of the "truth" and unwilling to submit to power.  Others 
>would say the
>"truth" will set her free.  Depends on your starting point doesn't 
>it??  Instead of
>starting with the assumption that Clinton is guilty, try starting with 
>assumption that he is innocent and that just possibly this is a 
>political witch
>hunt.  I would think then that two different conclusions will be made. 
> Susan may
>be a "Joan of Arc" in disguise <VBG>.

Hi Jackie,

As usual, your perception of issues transcends the bias and prejudice of
others. :)  Clearly it seems that if McDougal was refusing to answer
questions in order to hide Clinton's guilt, then Clinton would have
issued a presidential pardon to her to take the heat off of her.  He
could simply say that this woman is being persecuted as a political
prisoner and this was against all the principles that our judicial system
stands for.  If he is not guilty, however, he does not need to take any
chances with public sentiment and opinion that might be turned against
him if he issues a pardon to McDougal.


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