During the development of the doc tracker I stumbled over several issues:

The English wording often violates my feeling for the language. Can some native English speakers proofread the documentation, and correct stylistic flaws?

I don't want to discourage non-native speakers to contribute to the documentation, but they should mark their entries as "raw" (to be revised), so that a proofreader can easily find and check new or updated entries.

I already started inserting markers into the docs, e.g. [?] for questionable and [???] for obviously wrong parts, and more [revised ...] notes. Accordingly above "raw" marker could e.g. read [~], and should be inserted wherever questionable wording has been found.

Style related are field names like "childs", which IMO should read "Children" (which was the name in the preceding document version!). IMO the core developers *also* should consult native English speakers, before adding items with poor names.

Often I come across "circles", referring to circular unit references. IMO the correct term instead would be "loops", in e.g. "avoid loops".

Many descriptions only describe the obvious, like method names expressed in more words. Such descriptions are quite useless, and should be replaced by more informative ones. I'd suggest to remove all these descriptions (replace by a todo-marker?), until somebody can describe the elements better.

The final documenation shows the element name, so that the short description should not duplicate this name, IMO. Opinions?

Related: the FPDoc Editor IMO should always show the short description, above the pages. Then it's easier to e.g. avoid duplication of the short description in the long description.

What's the purpose of the *used units*, listed as elements of some units?

The same for parameters, whose separate descriptions are not normally accessible in e.g. the FPDoc editor. While it may be nice to have all parameters (and Result) described explicitly in the final documentation, the separation of these items from the procedure description is not helpful for the documentation writers. I'd suggest a description list for all parameters and the result, inside the long description. Such a list would make the docs look more like the (old) Delphi or MSDN documentation, with a clear structure for all subroutines:
- short description
- declaration (maybe multiples for overloaded procedures)
- parameter description
- result description
- long general description

What's the purpose of the "Errors" tag?
IMO it should not only contain links to the possible exceptions, but also should describe the exact reason, when an exception is raised. And it also should contain remarks on yet unhandled situations, which can or will cause an AV or wrong results.

As already mentioned in another mail, all links to #LCL are broken now. I hope that this will be fixed soon, by renaming the packages.

So much for now. I'm willing to coordinate all work on the documentation, and hope to get back write access to the repository soon. Then everybody can send me patches or notes on the documentation. Don't hesitate to report missing documentation or details; documentation writers often are so familiar with an topic, that they forget to mention the basic details, which are unknown to the *users* of the described elements.

I also can assign doc files to those people, which are willing to proofread the documentation, so that we can avoid duplicate work.


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