
On Tue, Jan 3, 2012 at 4:33 PM, Sven Barth <pascaldra...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> Am 03.01.2012 15:55, schrieb David Unric:
>  Lazarus 0.9.31 seems to do not use -P option as it still produces i386
>> code even if target CPU family is set to x86_64 in Project options and
>> exe is rebuilt from scratch (console app).
> Are you sure that it's a 32-Bit application?
It is detected as i386 app by PE Information tool from GExperts. If I
compile source from command line by fpc -Px86_64, the produced exe is
detected as 64bit (AMD x64).

>  I'd like to ask somebody to shed some light on this subjects:
>> 1) why supplying target OS option (-T) fails ? If I'd like to build
>> win64 exe on win32 system have I pass CPU Target and fpc "automagically"
>> selects appropriate OS Target ?
> This is the same problem I mentioned in my other mail. Without the "-PXXX"
> argument fpc selects the i386 compiler which does not know about the win64
> target, thus the error.
Ok, fpc -P argument is mandatory, there is no default CPU target for OS

 2) How to tweak Lazarus so I can simply switch between win32/win64 targets
>> ?
>> I'd appreciate any hint.
> Normally this works by changing the CPU family in the compiler options.
> Are you sure that you've set Lazarus to use the correct compiler?
> Regards,
> Sven
Yes, the path to fpc compiler in Lazarus options is coorect. "Compiler
path" is "C:\Lazarus\fpc\2.7.1\bin\i386-win32\fpc.exe" .

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