On Tue, 3 Jan 2012 17:19:57 +0100
David Unric <dunric...@gmail.com> wrote:

> > > Lazarus 0.9.31 seems to do not use -P option as it still produces i386
> > code
> > > even if target CPU family is set to x86_64 in Project options and exe is
> > > rebuilt from scratch (console app).
> >
> > It does use the -P and -T switch. But it passes them only if they
> > differ from the default.
> >
> I'm still confused here. I did peek into .lpi project options file and it
> contains the following tag:
>     <CodeGeneration>
>       <TargetCPU Value="x86_64"/>
>       <TargetOS Value="win64"/>
>     </CodeGeneration>
> Although a clean rebuild of source produces i386 executable. No error
> messages during compilation phase.
> ???

Hmm. Maybe your fpc.exe and lazarus.exe were compiled differently and
have different defaults.
I changed the IDE to always pass the -T and -P if they are set.



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