Em 04-12-2012 08:23, Massimo Soricetti escreveu:
I use Lazarus every now and then, generally I work on Eclipse or Visual Studio.

FYI, I deeply hate the "stylish" VS 2010 interface, because:
1) it hides and/or changes position to many things I use
2) eats up too much screen surface (same for Eclipse, I work on 1650x1050 display)

Generally speaking, I think that programs like Lazarus (complex, lots and lots of commands & options) need much work on usability and consistency, i.e. rationale under menu & dialog structure must be always the same, use same names for same things in every place and such. Preferences in Lazarus are particularly messy, probably because there are ten thousand of them :-D

Things like dockable windows, skins or other bells & whistles are not really important to me, and probably to many developers. I never tried if Laz supports multi-monitor displays, but that would be a really nice feature. Configurable menus would be even nicer: the ability to put first what you do really use a lot would be invaluable.

OK stop ranting :-)

1) I didn't understand this first reason, what do you mean it hide/changes?
2) I agree that the interface of VS and Eclipise(which is very ugly) is for big displays... but look at your display! It is big, mine is only 1024x768. Don't you think that the title-bar of each windows on Lazarus is a unused space?

I agree that the name of the stuffs cannot change(at least, severely), people would get lost, and a lot of the Wiki and documentation should be updated.

This multi-monitor idea is cool! But probably would work only in the "undocked mode", I don't see how I could implement a single-window application with support for a multi-monitor.
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