Am Montag, den 15.07.2013, 13:18 +0200 schrieb Michael Schnell:
> On 07/15/2013 11:20 AM, Reinier Olislagers wrote:
> > Firefox OS used to run on top of Android 

> I don't think that this is the way it is meant to be installed on 
> devices by - say - Deutsche Telekom. Why would they wont to install 
> anything "on top of Android", when they have Android anyway ?

No, it's for testing beta releases only. The complete release will run
on a phone without android/Lunix underneath, of course.

> > and AFAIK they intend to have Android compatibility as well...
> I don' see how an API done in Java can be compatible with an API done in 
> JavaScript. (But it was not me who suggested that Firefox OS is 
> completely JavaScript, I did not check the facts here...)

That's another testbed, running the browser as an emulator on android.
Early access, attracting programmers and user, ...

Regarding news about "Intelligence Agencies" around the world Firefox OS
will for sure have it's cusomers. It completely open source, in contrast
to Android where parts are closed and Windwos as usual.

Marc Santhoff <>

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