On Tue, 4 Feb 2014 14:40:21 +0100 (CET)
Michael Van Canneyt <mich...@freepascal.org> wrote:

> The GUI is for use by humans. That means that there is no point whatsoever 
> in updating the GUI more than 10 times per second: the human eye cannot 
> process information faster than that, let alone that the brain can grasp 
> the *meaning* of what the eye has seen in such a short time.

> if I play a video at full HD, 1 thread handles the screen display. It works 
> just fine,

Combining these two statements sounds like you are running your video at 10 
frames per second, which you hopefully don't do.
And I am very interested where you got the limitations for the human eye from. 
Knowing a thing or two about animation I have heard quite different values.

Nearly everyone I know at least feels a difference between an animation running 
in 60 FPS and one in 30 FPS (both frame rates need the eye and brain to process 
faster than your claimed 10 updates a second, else there would be no 

The USAF tested their pilots visual response time by flashing a picture of an 
aircraft on a screen in a dark room for 1/220th of a second. The pilots were 
consistently able to identitfy the shown craft.

There are more examples but I am not interested in starting a discussion about 

Closing I must admit that for a GUI 10 FPS is mostly enough. It is just that 
1/10th of a second as the human eyes limit sounds way to low to me.


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