On 09/04/2014 17:27, Bernd Mueller wrote:
Martin Frb wrote:
Please run with a logfile: http://wiki.lazarus.freepascal.org/GDB_Debugger_Tips#Log_info_for_debug_session

I have the log file attached.

What code is on this line?

Stepping will only work, if that code actually reaches the next line.
   while (always_true) do inc(a);


would never reach the next line. Stepping over it, is like Run. It will keep running.

Normally you can hit pause. But In remote-debugging pause only works if gdb is in "async" mode.

Your gdb did accept async for run(f9). Note the "&"
  >> TCmdLineDebugger.SendCmdLn "-exec-continue &"
  << TCmdLineDebugger.ReadLn "^running"
  << TCmdLineDebugger.ReadLn "*running,thread-id="1""
  << TCmdLineDebugger.ReadLn "(gdb) "

But it did not for stepping
  >> TCmdLineDebugger.SendCmdLn "-exec-next &"
<< TCmdLineDebugger.ReadLn "^error,msg="A syntax error in expression, near `&&'.""

Somehow strange, but that is what it did.

So the IDE used none async to do the step. But that means it can not interrupt (pause/stop) the remote, until the remote stops on its own (breakpoint/end of step)

The error might be bound to the "mi" made of gdb. That is "n &" might work. But it will take some work to make the IDE deal with none "mi" stepping

mi is a interface designed to control gdb from another app / gdb uses structured answers, instead of human readable. Human readable answers can differ in different gdb, and a harder to deal with by the IDE.

You could try, if you are on that line, instead of stepping (F8), set a breakpoint the next line (lines, if there is a conditional), and use F9.

Then, with F9 you should be able to use the pause button

And then try, what happens if you hit the pause button in the IDE?

I stepped through the program until the problem occurred and hit then pause. As far as I could see, nothing happened. Then I hit stop. This was recognized by the target with the message, that the remote side had terminated the connection.

So the remote printed connection lost, when you pressed stop in the IDE. Then it was still connected?

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