Martin Frb wrote:

If gdb server can detect the connection loss (at "stop"), then it was still connected. So gdb has failed on a different level. I assume that the gdbserver on the arm target is the same, when you try from win7, as it is when you try from win2000?

yes, I have only one target. So I am working always with the same gdbserver.

Maybe something with the AV or firewall on win7?
Not impossible. But I doubt it.

Maybe trying a different version of gdb on win7?
I have done this already.

gdbserver seems to have some options to track problems, maybe try them?
  --debug               Enable general debugging output.
This is very strange. If I activate --debug, then everything seems to work. As if slowing down the target (by printing all the debug messages in its console) is helping somehow with the communication.

You can also try the following.

Rebuild the IDE. Then in the log, watch out for
  >> TCmdLineDebugger.SendCmdLn "n &"

This is the log:

  >> TCmdLineDebugger.SendCmdLn "n &"
  << TCmdLineDebugger.ReadLn "&"n &\n""
  << TCmdLineDebugger.ReadLn "^running"

then wait till the error happens, and see what happens if you press pause.
Then the assembler window pops up. But I have the impression, that IDE/Debugger and target are not in sync any more. But maybe, I am doing something wrong. I have to check this in detail.

Regards, Bernd.

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