Martin Frb wrote:
On 10/04/2014 15:06, Bernd Mueller wrote:
Martin Frb wrote:
gdbserver seems to have some options to track problems, maybe try them?
  --debug               Enable general debugging output.
This is very strange. If I activate --debug, then everything seems to work. As if slowing down the target (by printing all the debug messages in its console) is helping somehow with the communication.

Odd, that makes it even more look like a gdb bug.

Though, I am not sure it is communication, it might be timing on the local interaction between gdb and the debuggee.

If I use the standalone gdb on the Win7 Host instead of Lazarus, debugging on the remote target works correct.

I had a look into the network traffic between target and host while debugging with Lazarus. If the stepping fails, one can see that the target is sending its breakpoint replay packet "+$Txxxx" which seems to be ignored completely by the host.

If the stepping does not fail, the host acknowledges this packet with "+" and starts to read memory from the target via the "$mxxxx" Packet.

I am trying to go more into detail...

Regards, Bernd.

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