Il 22/12/2014 10:05, zeljko ha scritto:
On 12/22/2014 12:29 AM, Juha Manninen wrote:
On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 5:27 PM, zeljko <> wrote:
What could be exact bug with Qt ? Any example project ?
What is exactly affected ?

My main suspect now is line :
   TabControl.Pages.Move(TabIndex, Pal.fVisiblePageIndex);
in TComponentPage.InsertVisiblePage. It moves an exising tab to its
new position.
I noticed that the missing tabs are always the ones that existed
before doing import. Thus they are not inserted but moved.
New tabs are inserted :
   TabControl.Pages.Insert(Pal.fVisiblePageIndex, PageName);
but it apparently causes no problems. works fine here, but anyway, I've changed tabMove a bit, patch is attached, so pls test if it's ok now.

The patch has no effect, but I suspect that the problem is elsewhere, because in my tests the TabControl.Pages.Move() is never called.


Giuliano Colla

Project planning question: when it's 90% done, are we halfway or not yet?

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