On 12/26/2014 01:04 PM, Giuliano Colla wrote:

Il 22/12/2014 10:05, zeljko ha scritto:
On 12/22/2014 12:29 AM, Juha Manninen wrote:
On Sun, Dec 21, 2014 at 5:27 PM, zeljko <zel...@holobit.net> wrote:
What could be exact bug with Qt ? Any example project ?
What is exactly affected ?

My main suspect now is line :
   TabControl.Pages.Move(TabIndex, Pal.fVisiblePageIndex);
in TComponentPage.InsertVisiblePage. It moves an exising tab to its
new position.
I noticed that the missing tabs are always the ones that existed
before doing import. Thus they are not inserted but moved.
New tabs are inserted :
   TabControl.Pages.Insert(Pal.fVisiblePageIndex, PageName);
but it apparently causes no problems.

hmm...it works fine here, but anyway, I've changed tabMove a bit,
patch is attached, so pls test if it's ok now.

The patch has no effect, but I suspect that the problem is elsewhere,
because in my tests the TabControl.Pages.Move() is never called.

pretty strange that such bug is shown only with qt widgetset. Patch is more friendly for TabControl.Move() and better than current implementation IMO. Don't know how custom pages works or how it is coded, but setting tabs while config is loading is not good. Is it conceptually working like this: load config,fill tabs, move tabs around, hide tabs which should be hidden ? Or it does it's job one by one tab ?


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