
I have a question / feature request for a TCoolBar at designtime and Lazarus 

If I assign a control (e.g. TPanel) to a TCoolBar, a TCoolBand according to the 
dimensions of TPanels is created. Thats fine! If I change now the dimension of 
that control (at designtime), at runtime, the width of the TCoolBand got the 
width of the TCoolBand and the height got the height of
the control.

There are two features, what would be nice to have:

If the height of a TCoolBand child control is changed, the IDE should show the 
identical height at designtime, like at runtime.
If the width of a TCoolBand child control is changed, the width of the 
TCoolBand should also be changed.

As a workaround, you can move the control from the TCoolBand to a other parent, 
delete the TCoolBand and move the control back to the TCoolBar. Then a 
TCoolBand with the correct dimensions is created.

PS: I know, that the width can be changed by the user at runtime, so that a 
differentiation of designtime and runtime has to be made.

Hope, you understand my poor English.


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