On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 1:39 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd
<markmll.laza...@telemetry.co.uk> wrote:
> Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
>> The good news is that it builds with FPC 3.0.0 on:
>> PPC Linux, Debian "Lenny"
>> Raspbian "Jessie" on RPi2
>> SPARC OpenSXCE 2014 (approx. Solaris 11)
>> SPARC Linux, Debian "Squeeze"
>> x86 linux, Debian "Lenny" and "Jessie"
>> x86_64 linux, Debian "Jessie"
> Also on straight Raspberry Pi Debian (i.e. not Raspbian) from
> http://sjoerd.luon.net/posts/2015/02/debian-jessie-on-rpi2/
> An earlier attempt at this wouldn't compile Lazarus, this time I used the
> notes at https://www.debian.org/releases/jessie/amd64/apds03.html.en as a
> checklist for what needs to be on the system, I think the really important
> thing was the console-setup package which looks like it's needed even if the
> idea is to run the system headless.

I am not sure if you saw this :
Apparently FPC works with MIPS but Lazarus does not. Do you have
experience with MIPS?
I may join the effort later and get a MIPS Creator to see why Lazarus
does not work.
However I am quite a newbie in compiling FPC for different
architechtures. Let's see...

Anyway, I appreciate your work with unusual platforms and CPU
endiannes issues + patches.
Different gadgets and so called TV-boxes can do personal computing
more and more in future. Their CPU and OS selection varies a lot.
BTW, I personally have an Intel-based passively cooled ASRock Beebox
as my main computer now. I am amazed every day about this gadget!


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