Juha Manninen wrote:
On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 1:39 PM, Mark Morgan Lloyd
<markmll.laza...@telemetry.co.uk> wrote:
Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
The good news is that it builds with FPC 3.0.0 on:

PPC Linux, Debian "Lenny"
Raspbian "Jessie" on RPi2
SPARC OpenSXCE 2014 (approx. Solaris 11)
SPARC Linux, Debian "Squeeze"
x86 linux, Debian "Lenny" and "Jessie"
x86_64 linux, Debian "Jessie"

Also on straight Raspberry Pi Debian (i.e. not Raspbian) from

An earlier attempt at this wouldn't compile Lazarus, this time I used the
notes at https://www.debian.org/releases/jessie/amd64/apds03.html.en as a
checklist for what needs to be on the system, I think the really important
thing was the console-setup package which looks like it's needed even if the
idea is to run the system headless.

I am not sure if you saw this :
Apparently FPC works with MIPS but Lazarus does not. Do you have
experience with MIPS?

I've mentioned this problem in the past unfortunately, but I'm slightly hobbled here in that while I've got a couple of SGI systems with IRIX the only MIPS Linux I'm able to run is based on Qemu. Two or three years ago one of the vendors here promised to send me a netbook but it didn't materialise, and quite frankly I have very limited resources when it comes to going out and buying new hardware just in case it turns out to be useful.

I may join the effort later and get a MIPS Creator to see why Lazarus
does not work.
However I am quite a newbie in compiling FPC for different
architechtures. Let's see...

I think a Creator is definitely worth looking at very carefully, and I'd add that MIPS is aware of FPC even if not currently (as far as I know) on the list or active in the forum. The RPi has some nice features but once one starts to do real work with it some decidedly dodgy ones become apparent, like almost all I/O traffic going through a single USB connection.

As a general point, for anything like this it's worth having an FTDI (or whatever) USB -> 5V serial adapter so that if it has a pre-boot menu etc. you can get to it.

Anyway, I appreciate your work with unusual platforms and CPU
endiannes issues + patches.

Thanks :-) The way I look at it is that some architectures- e.g. Linux SPARC- exercise the code generator a bit more than others on account of things like alignment requirements- hence in particular Mantis 22696 that I mentioned a few days ago. Looks like SPARC-64 Debian will be usable imminently...

Different gadgets and so called TV-boxes can do personal computing
more and more in future. Their CPU and OS selection varies a lot.
BTW, I personally have an Intel-based passively cooled ASRock Beebox
as my main computer now. I am amazed every day about this gadget!

Agreed. Meanwhile I'm still tinkering with my mainframe emulator: 1MHz CPU clock, 4-6 uSec core memory and so on. It really does emphasise how far we've come :-)

Waiting for various things to happen here, but meanwhile http://xkcd.com/679/ enjoy.

Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]

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