On Saturday 13 May 2006 10:24, L505 wrote:
> > A name change would probably do a lot of good to this project.
> It does sound like some sort of disease - I used to be made fun of in
> school for my short and precise name (Lars) since it is a European name and
> it is rarer to find where I live. Mean people would call me Lazarus.. Why
> was it so bad to be called Lazarus? What was it that made them think that
> would insult me? I guess it is something about how it rings off the tongue.
> As for GNU - it's just as dumb, but somehow it caught on for who knows what
> reasons. Visual C++ sounds kind of funny too since it is almost zero visual
> development and lots of text editing. Funny names might not affect the
> project that much - maybe a little.
I could see you having some issues with the name.  But kids are able to make 
fun of most names.  Pascal (or Pascale) = pass gas.  So I don't think the 
Lazarus name brings anything unusual to the table.   "Lazarus" - I doubt it 
has anything to do with keeping it out of the Linux Journal.  They printed an 
article on "Gambas".  In Spanish it means shrimp.  It does sound a little 
funny.  But the name does not give me any special attention.  Maybe the 
editors have watching Delphi fall from favor in the MS world and figure few 
care about it in the Linux world.  Or maybe they didn't like how the article 
was written.  Who knows!  I do know it doesn't help the cause when others see 
statements like Lazarus is a hobby (although it is a serious hobby) from 
recent posting.  


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