> Where can I get this component? Does it provide multi-monitor support on
> X11?
It's in my olpack
svn co svn://silentcoder.co.za/lazarus/olpack
I think olpack depends on gamepack (same dir) as well (if I remember right).
> I use some very special methods on the magnifier to have multi-monitor
> support on Windows, but on Unix I just call Screen.Width and
> Screen.Height, and I don't know how good their multimonitor support
> is.
Actually, that's pretty much all I use as well but I can tell you that it is 
quite sufficient actually. On X it works perfectly because of the way 
xinerama works. 
Xinerama effectively just expands your desktop across the monitors - if the 
res's are different this tends to cause a bit of havoc actually as you can 
litterally drag a window half-way between to screens and end up with one half 
the window twice the PHYSICAL size of the other.
Twinview from nvidia cards provides some nicer options though - mine is cloned 
since my secondary monitor is my TV anyway and I only use the feature to 
watch movies on the big screen.
> > Anyway, enough philosophies, let me know if I can help you with the
> > coding on this.
> Do you want to write this unit? If you have any problems, I can help.
> If not, I will put on my to do list, but I cannot guarantee it will be
> ready soon (too many things to do). I just wanted to make sure we both
> agree on what is being implemented, and now I am.
Well I'll make a start on it at least, and buzz you if I get stuck. I cannot 
imagine it can be TOO hard.

> > Did you make any changes ? I'll test mine tomorrow (it's very late here)
> No, I did a svn update, then I went to the command line, and did "make
> clean all"
Doesn't work here.
> Next I recompiled only LCL for Gtk2 (from the IDE), and it worked.
My lazarus hangs when I do that, I have to rerun make, then rebuild with gtk1, 
gives me enough gtk2 for my apps to be compiled - but it might prevent the 
GTK2 def from being passed to trayicon ? If so that's a bug either in lazarus 
or in ttrayicon, I'm not sure.
On a hunch I opened the ttrayicon.lpk file, changed it's compiler options to 
use gtk2, reinstalled, rebuilt wole for gtk2 - same result. Same stack trace 
as well. So it doesn't matter what the component's compiler options say - 
which makes sense, it ought to receive it from the parent app. But it also 
ought to do so regardless of whether the LCL is using the same widget set as 
the project target. 

I reckon I should fix the lazarus issue first but I am stumped as to what 
could be causing it. Even a gdb backtrace didn't tell me anything usefull, 
just that it's pango that crashed. 
Lazarus's own backtraces are talking bull, complaining about crashes in 
whichever component was the last to be added, remove the component and it 
just moves one step back in history - e.g. it doesn't show me what is REALLY 
Mattias you wouldn't have any theories perhaps ? If I have any idea  where to 
look for the cause of the bug  I would be happy to fix it.
"there's nothing as inspirational for a hacker as a cat obscuring a bug 
by sitting in front of the monitor" - Boudewijn Rempt
A.J. Venter
Chief Software Architect
OpenLab International
+27 82 726 5103

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