> I am checking with some Lawyers in Germany but I am fast getting the
> impression that it is not cheap.
> [...]
> The costs that I am hearing are roughly 2500 euro for legal costs for
> Germany.
Did you read that link I mentioned in my other mail?
"Die Höchstgebühr für eine Beglaubigung ohne Entwurf beträgt 130 €."
The maximum fee for an accreditation without a draft is 130 €.
That's the DIY thing of course. What exactly are the risks there?
> Unfortunately, you can't get three written quotes from three different
> laywers and go with the middle quote. They just don't work that way.
And you don't have to, since the law requires them all to change a
prescribed fee. As long as you give them the same details, their quote
would be exactly the same.

"bzw. bei einer Beglaubigung mit Entwurf eine halbe Gebühr nach §§ 145
Abs. 1, 38 Abs. 2 Nr. 7 KostO 13 €,"
In case of an accreditation with draft one half fee according to §§ 145
Abs. 1, 38 Abs. 2 Nr. 7 KostO 13 €.
That "half fee" would probably be the problem you mentioned, see below...

I am meeting with a group that has founded an e.V. the rest of the week,
I can ask them what they paid, how they proceeded and how generic the
charter is.
> I would be interested in helping out with the marketing if the
> opportunity was available.
Ah, ok. There's the point. As soon as you're no longer non-profit (re:
marketing), you're playing in quite another league. As soon as you try
to register a commercial enterprise, the fees are much higher, in the
range you mentioned at least, if not more (that depends on the estimated
commercial value). In that case, someone British or Irish founding a
Ltd. might be the best solution?


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