Michael Van Canneyt ha scritto:
I am not friends with lawyers ;)

me too! :-)
Seriously: I don't know any lawyers. Furthermore, you'd need one which is
specialized in such laws. The students of the law faculty of the university here do give free advice, I could check that in case it is needed.

It came to my mind that I could very easily reach some lawyer in Brussels EU, in the European Economical and Social Committee, whose mission is to be "a bridge between Europe and organized Civil Society", and therefore non-profit organizations should be one of the matters they take care of. If you agree, I can put you in touch with someone who might establish the contact. An extra bonus would be that it could be checked if such a non-profit might benefit of some of the facilities of EU, as FSF does.
I did talk to a collega of mine, who is a founding member of a non-profit
organization. He said that it's all very easy, and they never used the
services of a lawyer. The guidelines of what minimally needs to be in the charter are very clear, and there are plenty of examples available.

The same I've been told by a friend of mine who did the same in Italy, but a lawyer (being his cousin, and therefore for free) gave him more confidence.
I'll ask my boss if we could use the services of the company lawyer,
but that is a (very) long shot.

The company lawyer might have less familiarity with non-profit than some of the students you mentioned before. However if all other options fail, it would be better than nothing.


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