On Nov 24, 2007 3:58 PM, Vasily I. Volchenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> 6. current source encoding,

The source code encoding will be (more or less) irrelevant when this
feature is implemented:


> Especially it is bad for 7, when it is known that utf8 is not used.

Use a text editor with multiple encoding support like Notepad++

Open the file on a encoding and save it on another. Done.

A trivial pascal app can be built to automate that if you have many files.

> As for me, UTF-8 file is not a text file, it is just an abrakadabra with many 
> hard sings

There are plenty of UTF-8 capable editors, including Lazarus if you
recompile it with WindowsUnicodeSupport. A simple google search should
return plenty more. For windows Notepad++ comes to my mind.

> in current encoding, which is not UTF8. Windows had such problem from the 
> beginning (requires AnsiToOEM), but why should we introduce the same problem 
> (and double it for Windows) in Unix?

Unix is migrating to UTF-8

> Yes, there are some means to live with UTF8, but why should anyone to live 
> with it when he can live without it?

There is just no way to provide a high quality internationalization
support without Unicode.

Just to give you a very simple example, suppose you write a LCL
application without the new unicode support and write it in russian.
Now transfer that to my computer which has a portuguese windows. What
will I see?? Non-sense. The same application can't work on the same
windows version if only the Windows localization changed!

With unicode the same application will work anywhere, including other
operating systems.

> This should be an option to use either system encoding or to use utf8.

There is no reason to support something that would never work on all
systems we support to start with.

Felipe Monteiro de Carvalho

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