> Use a text editor with multiple encoding support like Notepad++
> Open the file on a encoding and save it on another. Done.
Good. It is a "very convenient", especially if project contains many files.
> A trivial pascal app can be built to automate that if you have many files.
Of course, I did it. See attachment. But don't you really think that this 
should be done by the means of Lazarus? If lazarus contains project convertor. 
> > As for me, UTF-8 file is not a text file, it is just an abrakadabra with 
> > many hard sings

> There are plenty of UTF-8 capable editors, including Lazarus if you
> recompile it with WindowsUnicodeSupport. A simple google search should
> return plenty more. For windows Notepad++ comes to my mind.
I know. But anyway, it is not so good. That files are still "foreign".

> Unix is migrating to UTF-8
Yes, but how? How transparent was it done in first KDE (1,2,3), and how rough 
it is done now (in Lazarus, Firefox and OpenOffice)? Why do you choose such a 
rough way? 

> There is just no way to provide a high quality internationalization
> support without Unicode.
Internationalization is not for all...
> Just to give you a very simple example, suppose you write a LCL
> application without the new unicode support and write it in russian.
> Now transfer that to my computer which has a portuguese windows. What
> will I see?? Non-sense. The same application can't work on the same
> windows version if only the Windows localization changed!
Yes, you will see nonsense. If you are expect that this application will be 
used by somebody else, you make the ways
to make internationalization. If you want to make temporary application for 
small group, you can use somewhat they use.
Besides, most portuguese-speaking users will see nonsense in Russian 
application anyway. 
> With unicode the same application will work anywhere, including other
> operating systems.
May be... But presently the result is opposite.
> > This should be an option to use either system encoding or to use utf8.
> There is no reason to support something that would never work on all
> systems we support to start with
Why all? And why shouldn't you support things that were made? May be as a 
compatibility mode.

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