Bee пишет:

If you don't mind, please make the "skeleton" images for TSynxxx and TRTTIxxx icons. Then let me do the rest. It's gonna be weekend, I'll have plenty of time to play with these icons. :-D

I warry about TSynxxx :) Synedit is a separate project on sourceforge which have their own developers (which are not in this mail list). Their developers probably have their own opinion about component images. I think we will not redraw icons for all possible component sets for lazarus.

But if synedit devels have nothing against component images redesign then we indeed can redraw them, replace in lazarus, and suggest that new icons to synedit project.

All other component images can be redrawn. I also thinked about TDbf (since TDbf is also separate project on sourceforge) but Micha read this list and have not said anything against new TDbf icon.

Best regards,
Paul Ishenin.

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