 > So what we need it users that are willing to become contributors, not 
 > users that contribute nothing. They are welcome of course. But they are 
 > not *needed* for Lazarus to advance.
 > Please, correct me, where I am making a mistake in my reasoning.

Synergy would be the #1 word that comes to mind when trying to propel this
project forward.  There is synergy in the masses.  By masses I mean VB kind
of users who want to expand their skill set a bit and learn to develop for
Linux on top of windows.  There is serious power there. Lazarus offers
serious power to Linux as well.  It is the best RAD tool for the platform.

I see the Lazarus project as a small piece of a movement towards advancing
development opportunities in the realm of an alternative to anything
Microsoft has to offer as a development option.  

Lazarus has serious potential appealing to the masses for both
desktop/server and web applications.

Kind regards,

Andrew Brunner

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