> I don't mean to disrupt the mailing list peace, but I've noticed a
> recent influx of new members. I, for one, would be quite interested in
> learning who you are, how you found LDSOSS, what motivated you to join
> the list, and what you hope to get from the group.

Bryan Murdock sent an e-mail to BYU's UUG list. I suspect a bunch of
us may have joined. :-)

I joined because I like OSS and hope to be able to contribute to
projects that help both Church members and are OSS.

GRAMPS was one of the first OSS projects I really became interested
in. My wife was taking a geneology class at BYU, and we had two Macs.
I probably spent over 40 hours trying to get GRAMPS to compile on OSX.
:-) We ended up installing VirtualPC with Windows XP, just so we could
use PAF. At some point, when I learn a bit more python and have more
time, I'd still like to make it work on OSX.

> In any case, welcome, and we hope you enjoy it here!
> Charles


Michael Moore
Ldsoss mailing list

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