My name is Dave Wagner. I'm originally from the Seattle area but I am
raising my family in Western Mass. I think I found your site from the site. I joined the list because I had
actually been praying for months that I would find other developers who
share my values. It's hard enough being a tech geek who can enjoy a
lengthy conversation on design patterns but to live in Massachusetts as
well were there are hardly any members of the church made things kind of
miserable, thus I believe you (and a family who moved into our branch
very recently, of whom the father is also a techy who works for GE) are
an answer to my prayers. I hope to be able to get more involved with
other developers who can/will shape the future of the churches
technology efforts. I have always spent a lot of time on a computer and
at one point not too long ago was sincerely asking The Lord whether I
should put those things away so I can focus more on church service and I
got a rather surprising answer that I should continue to learn and
enhance my skills in this field (without neglecting my first duties of
course) because God gave them too me and he expects me to use them,
indeed they will become useful to the church one day therefore I will be
serving God in that respect.

Anyways, enough rambling about myself. I'm very interested to learn more
about all of you.


Charles Fry wrote:

I don't mean to disrupt the mailing list peace, but I've noticed a
recent influx of new members. I, for one, would be quite interested in
learning who you are, how you found LDSOSS, what motivated you to join
the list, and what you hope to get from the group.

In any case, welcome, and we hope you enjoy it here!


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