On Sat, 13 Jan 2001, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:

> Check out:
> http://www.newtek.com
> to test your patience.  Put yourself in the 'saint' catagory if you let the
> entire page load, and that's just the splash screen.

To note, it loads pretty darned fast at about 04:15 EST. =)

On the other hand, when I clicked the link to get past it, Mozilla 0.7
locked hard, chewing up about 85% of my (brand new and disgustingly
overpowered) Athlon 1.1GHz processor. Most likely an issue with Mozilla,
but I won't be attempting that again.
> This is what happens when you co-lo a web server requiring high bandwidth
> with 18 other server machines, all sharing the same T1.  Of course, the
> price was pretty low...

Could be worse. Two weeks ago I had a consultant try to tell me that 20
users on a 56 kilobit frame relay host - and mind you, 56k frames are set
up with a 28k committed rate, and they BURST to 56k - was most
emphatically not a problem and would not overload the circuit. Thank the
higher powers that they had the server colo'd elsewhere. =)
> NOTE:  I warned of exactly this result prior to installing the server
> on-site, but as usual, no-one listens until after the fact...

Of course you did. What, you didn't think that they paid you to give
advice that they'd listen to, did you? No, you're on the payroll to clean
up the mess caused by them ignoring the advice in the first place. =)

George Metz
Commercial Routing Engineer

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