On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 01:57:33PM -0600, David Douthitt scribbled:
> As you may notice, these documents are NOT "distribution-
> neutral" but are specific towards LRP-derivatives.  I don't know 
> whether this is a bad thing or not, but this sort of states what I 
> always thought LEAF was.... maybe I just need better education?

I think that, in general and to specifically address this problem,
it needs to be said [and stressed] that LEAF is a meta-project;
that is, it is a project of collaberating projects, and that there
isn't a hard-limit on who/what qualifies, but rather, just that
their goals be similar or related.

> -- 
> David Douthitt
> UNIX Systems Administrator
> HP-UX, Linux, Unixware
rick -- A mind is like a parachute... it only works when it's open.

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