> > It'd be interesting to see how much each option affected size, but
overall a
> > 411K 2.4 kernel is VERY COOL, and should be quite usable for floppy
> > firewalls.  While I'd like to see a 'one size fits all' kernel, perhaps
> > there could be a floppy only, minimal kernel, and a larger kernel with
> > the 'goodies' like RAID, loopback, etc (compiled as modules, where
> > for folks running from CD, HDD, Flash, or what have you.
> Right. There's none of the MTD stuff compiled into this kernel, and I even
> went modular on the IDE support. The bitch of it all is that, for some of
> the ideas I've had, IDE support is Sorta-Kinda-Necessary. I think I'll
> play around a bit over the next few days and see what I come up with.

Well, I generall think almost EVERYTHING should be modules.  You can regain
IDE support for booting by adding the modules to the initial ramdisk (the
linuxrc mods I posted a while ago for my SCSI-RAID support do this).

I'm envisioning a single kernel (or perhaps 2, if we don't want the module
hooks for RAID, IPSec, and various other higher-end functions taking up
space on a single floppy firewall), along with a small number of pre-rolled
initial ram-disks (floppy-only, IDE HDD, IDE HDD+CD-ROM, Flash/DOC support,
etc).  Anyone wanting a really funky or custom boot system can roll their
own initrd (or make a custom root.lrp if we stick with the initrd-archive
patch & use a tar.gz file).

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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