On Thu, 14 Jun 2001, Mike Noyes wrote:

> Scott C. Best, 2001-06-13 23:25 -0700
> >         Heyaz. So, I went to the LEAF site today trying to
> >imagine myself as a new LRP user who's going there for the
> >first time.
> >         And it strikes me...where's the distro? IMO, front&center
> >links to both ES2B and Oxygen be a would be a great help. Sure,
> >there's a little "releases" in the upper left, which leads to
> >a page that has no clickable links on it -- gotta click again in
> >the left banner, though, to actually get to the page.
> >         Doing it that way, with the left-banner, makes me feel
> >like I had to mine for something, and may have no gotten the
> >good stuff. So, I guess I'm suggesting a "here's the good stuff"
> >link, right there on the homepage. Thoughts?
> Scott,
> I could remove the "Releases" menu item. Then make "EigerStein" and 
> "Oxygen" root menu choices. My preference is to add links to the releases 
> page. Let me know which way you think is easier for the new user.

I think you miss the point.

The text on the intro page needs something like...

"To get started, go to the <A HREF="...">Introduction</A> page."

and on the Introduction page...

"The most common task that LEAF images are used for is to turn an old 486
or Pentium desktop computer into an internet router and firewall for your
SOHO network.  There are numerous "server" tasks that a LEAF image can be
used for as well, though it is generally better for security to set those
functions up on a machine that is not acting as a firewall.

The <A HREF="...Releases">Eigerstein</A>-based images are most often used
by new users interested in quick solutions to common routing/firewall
configurations.  The <A HREF="...Releases">Oxygen</A> disks are more often
used as customized networking toolkits.  Both variants are flexible enough
to handle all these tasks, though, so feel free to experiment."

... adjust as appropriate.

The point is that the main page caters to the developer, with little
direction for the user (particularly a newbie cruiser).

Jeff Newmiller                        The     .....       .....  Go Live...
DCN:<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        Basics: ##.#.       ##.#.  Live Go...
                                      Live:   OO#.. Dead: OO#..  Playing
Research Engineer (Solar/Batteries            O.O#.       #.O#.  with
/Software/Embedded Controllers)               .OO#.       .OO#.  rocks...2k

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