
Thanks for releasing the Dachstein-CD.  I have had fun playing with it. 
I have not created a LEAF CD before so I may be able to provide some
newbie impressions:

Since it is a CD and the current ISO is only 17M, it would be nice to
include say a dosutils directory with rawrite.exe.  Attached is a file
called mkfloppy.  It calls rawrite using all the correct command line
arguments along with the bootdisk.bin file.

You describe three configuration options depending on if your BIOS
allows you to boot from a CD.  I believe bootdisk.bin will work for both
one and two. I realize it would be overkill, but you could provide an
image file for people transitioning from eigersteinbeta2.  LOL I realize
it would just have the lrpkg.cfg file with
in it but it might make it easier for new people using the CD.  Besides
its nice going into lrcfg and seeing a list of packages to configure
when you first boot the CD.

I was hacking around.  I went into 1, Network Settings, and then 9,
Additional networking daemon, start-up.  This promptly changed the
characters on the screen to graphic characters.  There appears to be
something wrong with this file.

I thought it would be clearer to describe just one of the CD-ROM boot
configurations at a time from start to finish.  That way a user would
not have to remember which variation he was trying to configure as he
read--worked for me. ;-)  Attached is a proposed README.TXT file with
most of it this section rewritten.  I don't believe the second
configuration is complete.  

Moreover, I had fun playing with the image.  I have documented many
other tasks in the readme.txt file.  I started a FAQ with one of the
questions on the devel mailing list.  One section is a quick how to on
configuring a cd burner under Redhat.  I even describe how to customize
the image, but I appear to be boot challenged. modified disk
image did not boot after I added a dosutils directory, etc.  I realize
there are many ways and tools to create a boot able ISO image, but I
would be happy, if there was a complete example under Linux.  Would
someone please look at the readme.txt and show me what is missing to
make the iso boot?

I realize that the random number seed is not saved on existing LEAF
systems.  I am thinking this might be a security weakness (it might make
it easier to guess sequence numbers, etc).  Is there a way to save this
seed on the config floppy as the system is halted or rebooted?

Thanks again, I hope the feedback is useful,

Charles Steinkuehler wrote:

> I have released a preliminary version of Dachstein-CD.  Based on Dachstein,
> LRP-CD, and extensive modifications to the backup scripts, it's getting
> easier than ever to boot from a CD.  The files, and some documentation are
> available from my website:
> But if you're grabbing the CD image, you'll probably have better luck with
> the faster mirrors:
> The mods are described in the README file, and the new backup system should
> be pretty easy to understand.  The big change is you can now select the
> desired backup type and destination on a per-package basis, making it easy
> to control the generation of full or partial (config information only)
> backups, and to save them to floppy, hard-disk, or where-ever.
> I'm headed out of town for a long weekend (back Wedensday), so I may not be
> able to answer questions immediately.  Don't let that worry you though...the
> new system is much easer to use than the previous LRP-CD release, and I
> think anyone reasonably familiar with LRP won't get too lost.  The main
> thing to watch is getting your package path setting correct (remember, the
> kernel parameter is overridden by the pkgpath.cfg file on your floppy...see
> the README).
> I don't have time to update my website to reflect the changes, so keep the
> links above handy for now, and get a jump on the rest of the world for being
> a LEAF list member!
> Charles Steinkuehler
> ( mirror)
WARNING!  You need to be reasonably familiar with LRP to use this CD
based distribution.  It's getting easier all the time, but until a real
packaging system designed to handle ramdisk based setups booting from
read-only media is created, there will always be some oddities with
using the CD version you won't have when running floppies.

You can find additional information here:

LRP-CD Contents:

  A package to slow down port-scanners and Internet worm propagation

  This file

  The bash shell

  The 1.44 Meg floppy disk image used to make the CD bootable.  If your
  system cannot boot directly from the CD, you can make a floppy disk
  out of this image, and use that to boot, instead.

  User-space QoS tools

  ISC DHCP client and server

  The dns caching portion of djbdns (tinydns)

  The Dachstein firewall scripts and other contents of /etc

  /lib/modules contains all available kernel modules, and can be loaded
  directly from the CD (no need to copy modules to your floppy).  See
  /etc/modules for details.

  Libraries required for some of the other packages

  everything in /usr/local (currently just directory placeholders)

  replaced by ramlog...included in case you don't want logs on their
  own partition

  library required by bash

  a small console based web-browser

  GNU version of awk

  kernel module loader & configuration

  handy port-scanning utility

  the wins name-server portion of samba

  creates and mounts additional ramdisk partitions at boot time

  combines ramdisk.lrp and log.lrp to create additional ramdisks at boot
  and populate /var/log with the required files

  the core filesystem

  the only way to copy

  a snmp server and some utilities

  A socks server for 'difficult' applications

  SSH from Koon's website

  handy packet sniffing tool

  vi-improved editor

  shell-based web-server

Using LRP-CD:

First, create a CD-Rom.  Just burn the ISO image on a CD using your
favorite CD-Rom burner software.

Once you've got the CD burned, you need to figure out how your system is
going to boot. There are three possibilities:
  1.) Your system won't boot off a CD-Rom at all:
  2.) Your system boots off a CD, but not if there's a floppy disk inserted
  3.) Your system boots off a CD, even if you've got a floppy disk loaded 

1.) Your system won't boot off a CD-Rom at all:

  If this is the case, you need to make a boot disk from the
  bootdisk.bin file on the CD-Rom, using rawrite, winimage, dd, or your
  favorite disk image tool.  Once you've created the boot disk, you need
  to configure some boot parameters.  Edit syslinux.cfg on the floppy,
  and verify the boot= parameter is correct (it probably is, it's
  pre-set to /dev/fd0), and make sure PKGPATH= is set to point to your
  CD-ROM (you may have to change this from the default, /dev/hda).  If
  you don't have PKGPATH set properly, the system will NOT boot, as
  there is not a complete LRP system on the boot floppy, just the kernel
  and root.lrp.  NOTE:  You may want to change to a larger format floppy
  to get a bit more space, since you have to save the kernel and
  root.lrp along with your configuration files...


  Now it's time to boot your LRP-CD system.  Your system should come up
  and eventually get to the login prompt (if not, you probably miss
  configured the syslinux.cfg parameters on your boot disk, or you are not
  using an IDE CD-ROM drive). You'll see lots of errors along the way, but
  that's OK for now (no NIC modules configured, etc).  

  Now that LRP-CD is booting, you need to configure the system for your
  particular application.  
  First, you need to verify the PKGPATH= parameter is correct for your
  You just edit syslinux.cfg on the floppy, when you boot from a floppy disk.
  Second, you now need to configure which LRP packages to load.  

  Again, floppy booters can edit syslinux.cfg.

2.) Your system boots off a CD, but not if there's a floppy disk inserted:

  You can boot off the LRP-CD to get started, but you will have to make
  a boot disk (see above), since you'll need to store configuration
  information on a floppy disk.  NOTE: You might want to experiment with
  some BIOS settings.  I've got some old Pentium machines that will boot
  from CD, but default to the floppy disk.  In the BIOS, however, you
  can disable floppy booting, so the system always boots from CD.


  Now it's time to boot your LRP-CD system.  Your system should come up
  and eventually get to the login prompt (if not, you probably miss
  configured the syslinux.cfg parameters on your boot disk, or you are not
  using an IDE CD-ROM drive). You'll see lots of errors along the way, but
  that's OK for now (no NIC modules configured, etc).  
  NOTE: If you're booting directly off the CD, and the CD is not /dev/hda,
  you'll have to REMOVE ANY FLOPPY DISK before booting, or the system will
  not find the packages on the CD-ROM.

  Now that LRP-CD is booting, you need to configure the system for your
  particular application.  
  First, you need to verify the PKGPATH= parameter is correct for your
3.) Your system boots off a CD, even if you've got a floppy disk loaded:

  You don't need to make a boot disk, just have a blank floppy handy for
  saving your configuration information.


  Now it's time to boot your LRP-CD system.  Your system should come up
  and eventually get to the login prompt (if not, you probably miss
  configured the syslinux.cfg parameters on your boot disk, or you are not
  using an IDE CD-ROM drive). You'll see lots of errors along the way, but
  that's OK for now (no NIC modules configured, etc).  

  NOTE: If you're booting directly off the CD, and the CD is not /dev/hda,
  you'll have to REMOVE ANY FLOPPY DISK before booting, or the system will
  not find the packages on the CD-ROM.


  Now that LRP-CD is booting, you need to configure the system for your
  particular application.  
  First, you need to verify the PKGPATH= parameter is correct for your
  You can't change the syslinux.cfg file on the CD, when you boot from CD. 
  To over-ride the PKGPATH setting from the CD's syslinux.cfg,
  add the file 'pkgpath.cfg' to your floppy disk.  The
  contents of this file are EXACTLY what you would put after the PKGPATH=
  line in syslinux.cfg (ie a comma seperated list of
  device names, ALL ON ONE LINE):
  Second, you now need to configure which LRP packages to load.  

  You can't change the syslinux.cfg file on the CD, when you boot from CD. 
  To over-ride the default setting from the CD's syslinux.cfg,
  add the file 'lrpkg.cfg' to your floppy disk. The
  contents of this file are EXACTLY what you would put after the LRP=
  line in syslinux.cfg (i.e. a comma separated list of
  package names, ALL ON ONE LINE):

  For example if your are transitioning from edgersteinbeta2 to dachstein
  and wanted to add vim, your lrpkg.cfg file would look like this:


  NOTE: 1.) LRP= from edgersteinbeta2 was dropped
        2.) ramlog replaces log
        3.) lncurses must preceed vim because vim uses the curses library.

Detail Package Path Syntax:


  package is an LRP package file (without the .lrp extension)
  searchorder controls the package load behavior, and is one of:
    f forward search, load multiple packages *DEFAULT*
    F forward search, load first package found and stop
    r reverse search, load multiple packages
    R reverse search, load first package found and stop
      A "forward search" starts with the PKGPATH entries (read right to
        left) and looks at the boot= device last
      A "reverse search" starts with the boot= device, and goes through
        the PKGPATH entries (read left to right)

New ramlog Package

NOTE: This CD image includes an ramlog.lrp, which is intended
to REPLACE log.lrp.  Make sure you have a mount entry for /var/log in
/etc/fstab, and you have a secondary ramdisk defined.  The etc.lrp and
ramdisk.lrp provided will mount /var/log on a 4 Meg ramdisk (/dev/ram1)
if left unchanged.

New Backup Commands

At this point, you can configure your system normally, however when you
go to backup packages you'll notice some dramatic changes from earlier
versions.  The backup scripts now support selecting both destination and
backup type on a per-package basis.  This means you can save just the
configuration data to your floppy, but do a full backup of the package
when you want to export it to another LRP system or burn a new CD-ROM.

Currently, the three backup types supported are:
  full - Backs up everything
  none - Backs up nothing.  Before you tell me this is worthless, allow
    me to point out that if you've got a lot of packages you load from
    CD that don't require configuration or backing up (like vim or bash)
    You can set their backup type to none and a backup of all packages
    will handily skip right over them :)
  partial - This is the fun new backup type.  It is an expanded version
    of the previous CD backup scripts.  By default, it will backup any
    files that are part of the package that exist either in the /etc
    directory or the /var/lib/lrpkg directory.  The version for this 
    release has been enhanced, however, and supports the use of a 
    <package>.local file in the /var/lib/lrpkg directory.  The format
    of this file is similar to the format of the <package>.list file
    (a list of filenames...wildcards OK), with the addition of a 
    flag before the filename.  Currently supported flags are:
      i I - The file(s) are included in a partial backup (used to create
        the INCLUDE file)
      x X e E - The file(s) are excluded from a partial backup (added 
        to the EXCLUDE file)
    This should make it possible to meet fairly complex backup

    NOTE:  If you don't like the warning messages about missing
      <package>.local files, just copy the <package>.list file to 
      <package>.local, put an 'I ' (note the space) in front of every
      line, and delete any files that you don't think you're going to
      change (like the binaries).

  modified - This FUTURE (it's not implemented yet, so don't e-mail me
    about it unless you've gotten it working and are sending me code :)
    This will use file dates and/or MD5 checksums to only backup those
    files that actually changed.  If I ever get around to writing this, 
    it will be really cool :)
    - The backup type is saved in <package>.bktype and is saved along
      with the package.
    - The backup destination defaults to the last filesystem a package
      was loaded from

One of my system configuration disks:
  firewall: -root-
  # ls -l /mnt
  -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root        46736 Oct 10 12:25 etc.lrp
  -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root           52 Oct 10 16:08 lrpkg.cfg
  -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root         1271 Oct 10 15:51 modules.lrp
  -rwxr-xr-x   1 root     root         3223 Oct 10 12:04 sshd-1.lrp

  firewall: -root-
  # cat /mnt/lrpkg.cfg
  firewall: -root-

Secure Shell Issues:

NOTE: To use ssh, you will need to manually load ssh1-key from the
CD-ROM and create a host key:

mount -t iso9660 -r /dev/hdc /mnt
cd /mnt
lrpkg -i ssh1-key
cd /
umount /mnt

Then backup sshd-1

Other uses of the CD:

If for some reason you need to
customize the CD, get a copy of the CD-Contents directory on a linux
box, and run the following command:

mkisofs -b bootdisk.bin -r -o <outputfile> <path>/CD-Contents/

Replace dachstein-CD.iso with the current name of the dachstein ISO

It is also possible to use other software to create a bootable disk
image...see the instructions that came with whatever software you use
if you don't have access to a linux system.

Customizing the CD:

One possible customization is to burn a CD with your entire configuration
on the CD.  This is especially useful if your configuration is
fairly static.  Moreover, if your LEAF box is a regular PC with a
power supply fan and CPU fan in a dusty environment like Arizona,
customizing an ISO is a great way to keep 1680 formatted floppies from
being eaten by the dust bunnies. 

1.) You will need to make a full backup of all the packages that you
    modified on your LEAF system.

2.) You will need to put the ISO image on a linux box.  Replace
    dachstein-CD.iso with the name of the current dachstein ISO
    image.  Make or find a safe directory to issue the following
    commands.  Use these commands:

       cd mysafedirectory      
       mkdir origimage
       cd origimage
       mount dachstein-CD.iso -r -t iso9660 -o loop ./origimage
       mkdir newimage
       cd newimage
       cp -R ../origimage/* .
       cd ..
       umount ./origimage

3.) Copy your modified lrp packages to the newimage directory.
    Use these commands:

       mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt/floppy
       cp /mnt/floppy/* newimage

4.) You will need to replace the original ISO's module list with your
    list from lrpkg.cfg.
    (Need to find original ISO module list)

5.) Create the ISO with your customizations.
    Use these commands:

       rm mydachstein.iso
       mkisofs -R -o mydachstein.iso newimage

6.) Burn your customized ISO using your favorite CD-Rom burner software.

7.) Boot your new system with a floppy as may be required depending on
    your hardware limitations.

Configuring an ATA/IDE CD-RW Drive Under Linux:

Adding a CD-RW drive under Windows can be a straight foward task.
However, Linux adds a little twist to the configuration.  The writing
software is written to work with SCSI devices.  This can be a challenge
to Linux newbies especially when the person is configuring an ATA/IDE
drive.  All you have to do is load the driver for the IDE to SCSI
conversion.  In later releases of Linux, a kernel recompile may not
be required.  Here are the steps to configure a ATA/ICE CD-RW drive
under Redhat Linux 7.1.

Redhat compiles millions of modules in a stock installation. You don't
have to compile a custom kernel to support that brand new CD-RW.
Just send some append arguments to lilo. These steps were tested on
Redhat 7.1 with Redhat kernel 2.4.3 and the SGI XFS file system 1.01. 

  1.) vi /etc/lilo.conf 
      as root.

  2.) Add the append line to each image stanza.
      NOTE: My cdrom-RW is on /dev/hdc so I added 

      The complete lilo image stanza looks like this:

      Your stanza will vary depending on your version of the
      kernel and other options you or the distribution have
      selected for you.

  3.) Execute lilo


      at the command prompt as root.
      Remember after you make changes to /etc/lilo.conf you have to
      execute /sbin/lilo to create a new boot sector with your changed 
      configuration.  The Linux boot sector can span more than one 512
      sector.  So lilo writes those sectors and points to your lilo.conf
      file and any message files you want displayed at startup. 

  4.) reboot 

  5.) Make sure the modules are loaded. See the scsi_mod modules
      listed below in the lsmod output?
        [root]# lsmod
        Module                  Size  Used by
        sr_mod                 15470   0  (autoclean)
        soundcore               5999   0  (autoclean)
        autofs                 11260   1  (autoclean)
        3c59x                  26737   1  (autoclean)
        ipchains               35092   0  (unused)
        ide-scsi                9018   0
        scsi_mod               97570   2  [sr_mod ide-scsi]
        ide-cd                 30171   0
        cdrom                  32777   0  [sr_mod ide-cd]

  6.) Test. Xcdroast just passes commands to Linux command line program
      cdrecord.  So just use the scanbus option of cdrecord to make sure
      everything is detected properly. 

        [root]# cdrecord -scanbus
        Cdrecord 1.9 (i686-pc-linux-gnu) Copyright (C) 1995-2000
              Jörg Schilling
        Linux sg driver version: 3.1.17
        Using libscg version 'schily-0.1'
          0,0,0     0) 'BTC     ' 'BCE1610IM   ' '0.17' Removable CD-ROM
          0,1,0     1) *
          0,2,0     2) *
          0,3,0     3) *
          0,4,0     4) *
          0,5,0     5) *
          0,6,0     6) *
          0,7,0     7) *

  7.) Your mileage may vary with other versions of Redhat and other
      linux distributions.


> Regarding /etc/network.conf, what are the differences between LRP-CD and
> Dachstein-CD?
> Or, are all of the differences in the other scripts that call variables
> instantiated in network.conf?
> I ask this, because I am interested in quickly converting several
> instances of LRP-CD to Dachstein-CD -- of course, *after* extensive
> testing -- and I need to gauge the amount of effort required to convert
> network.conf . . .

In general, the Dachstein scripts are a superset of LRP-CD, which was based
on Eiger.  For upgrading, you have a few options:

1) Keep all of your existing configuration files.  You *should* be able to
simply replace the LRP-CD with a Dachstein-CD, and reboot, although you'll
probably have to modify etc in the lrpkg.cfg file on your floppy to be
etc:R, due to the new packaging scheme.  The big drawback to this is you
won't have the new network scripts, but there's nothing wrong with the
eiger-based LRP-CD scripts, if you don't need the extra functionality.  You
may also need to be careful about packages with init scripts.  If the init
scripts changed (I think this only applies to IPSec) you may have to merge
the changes manually.  I will typically boot w/o loading my local config in
this case, and manually unpack the config files to /tmp, then move them to
the appropriate location.  Of course many packages (like ssh) haven't
changed at all, so you can use your old configuration w/o worry.

2) Migrate the configuration information to the new CD.  This is mainly
merging the contents of /etc/network.conf to the new network.conf file.
There should be little or no change required to the variables in your
existing network.conf...the settings should just copy over.

3) Re-configure the system from scratch.  This really isn't too hard, but
you'll loose things like your ssh host ID, and IPSec private keys (assuming
you're using RSA keys for authentication).

What I would probably do, on a per-package basis:

bwidth22.lrp - No configuration needed
dhcpd.lrp - Identical...keep existing config
etc.lrp - create from scratch using Dachstein base & old config files
ipsec.lrp - manually copy old /etc/ipsec.* files to new package (when it
comes out :)
local.lrp - keep old config
log.lrp - no config necessary
modules.lrp - create from scratch using Dachstein base
nmbd-207.lrp - Identical...keep existing config
ramdisk.lrp - edit from Dachstein base, if required
root.lrp - no config required...use the new one :)
snmp.lrp - Identical...keep old config
socks5-c.lrp - Identical...keep old config
socks5.lrp - Identical...keep old config
ssh-1.lrp - Identical...keep old config
ssh1-key.lrp - Identical...keep old config
sshd-1.lrp - Identical...keep old config
update.lrp - Not required not load

So...take a look at etc, modules, and ipsec from a configuration standpoint,
and edit your lrpkg.cfg file, removing update, changing etc to etc:R, and
adding any new packages you want.  I think that will do it...

@echo off
rawrite -f bootdisk.bin -d a:

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