> I had created my lrcfg file from the readme.txt file that I modified. At
> some point it became an MSDOS file.  The symptom was that the last
> module in the list closest to the ^M, in this case vim, did not load.
> The ^M looked like a . in the edit editor.  I am using
> etc:R,local,modules,ramlog,dhclient,dnscache,dhcpd,weblet,lncurses,vim
> in my lrcfg file simulating EB2.

I'll fix this in the next release...

> There is a subtle difference between the 2.2.16 and the 2.2.19 module I
> was using for my ethernet adapter.  In 2.2.16, I was able to just load
> eepro100.  In 2.2.19, I also needed to uncomment pci-scan in the
> /etc/modules before the interfaces were brought up.

This is due to the newer drivers in the 2.2.19 kernel.  Newer drivers are
generally (but not always) a good thing :)

> A difference between EB2 and Dachstein-CD is that a person also has to
> uncomment both ip_masq_portfw and ip_masq_autofw for NAT.  Should all
> the ip_masq_xxxx modules be uncommented by default like EB2 had them?

This is an undocumented difference between the floppy and CD versions...see
recent post to leaf-user...I'll fix this in the next CD release, and make it
behave like the floppy version.

> Another difference between EB2 and Dachstein-CD, dCD is in the ip
> address used for the internal network.  I am puzzled here.  Both EB2 and
> dCD allow a person to have their /etc/hosts file created from a list of
> variables.   In EB2 the router takes the internal subnet address when
> the /etc/hosts file is created. In dCD the router is assigned the
> address of  The only real difference I can see is that the EB2
> /etc/network.conf uses for eth0_IPADDR variable while dCD uses
>  I tried changing these eth0_IPADDR to thinking the NAT
> rules were using this number, but /etc/hosts file has for the
> router ip.

Hmm...are you using dhcp?  If so, the hosts file should get created with
your public IP, not the 'placeholder' IP of or  If it
doesn't, this is a bug...

> weblet is not working.  I tried a telnet myrouter 80 with a GET /
> HTTP/1.0<enter><enter> operation.  Before I could finish typing "GET /"
> the connection was dropped.  The log file says sh-http refushed
> connection.  My weblet configuration files are the same from EB2.

The default Dachstein CD image is not setup to run weblet...I'll fix that in
the next release...

To fix it yourself, I think all you need to do is ad sh-httpd to

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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