On Wed, Jun 26, 2002 at 01:53:36PM -0700, Mike Noyes wrote:
> On Wed, 2002-06-26 at 13:37, David Douthitt wrote:
> > 26 Jun 17:23:24 UTC ----> Received at my main mailbox (mailbag.com)
> > 26 Jun 17:26:54 UTC ----> Received at my main mail redirection
> > 26 Jun 17:22:04 UTC ----> Processed at SourceForge (sourceforge.net).
> > 26 Jun 17:16:48 UTC ----> Received at SourceForge (sourceforge.net).
> > 26 Jun 08:57:05 UTC ----> Received at cybercity.dk.
> > 26 Jun 08:57:04 UTC ----> Received at kinkon.
> > 
> > It doesn't appear to be some sort of bad time setting, either on kinkon,
> > cybercity.dk, OR sourceforge.net.  I deduce this because:
> > 
> > 1) the host cicero0.cybercity.dk ( and kinkon (
> >    are separate hosts yet have same time (8:57 UTC give or take) and same
> >    timezone (CEST);
> > 
> > 2) hosts beyond cicero0.cybercity.dk are all different timezones except they
> >    have the same time UTC (after accounting for the U.S. 12-hour clock).
> > 
> > >From 08:57:05 UTC to 17:16:48 UTC it remained on cicero0.cybercity.dk 
> > It appears to me that cybercity.dk held your mail for 8.25 hours... (!)
> David,
> Nice job. :-)
> I should have looked for the machine causing the lag also. I'm keeping
> this analysis as a template for future troubleshooting.

Yeah, I agree... nice analysis :)

I should have guessed, though. Cybercity is my ISP, and
they've been mucking around with the mailsystem since spring... I just
hope they get their act together, soon.

I'm just always nervous that the fault's at my end :-P

Example: I ruined my 170+ days uptime by rebooting my LRP box during
last fall's rash of code/nimda because my adsl was slowing to a crawl,
and I thought something had gone sour in the box. When that didn't help
I called CC, and it turned out that the cisco677 was configured to
respond to port 80 (dunno why) and that *it* was getting bashed by all
that crap... The support person shut off port80, and everythings been
fine ever since (124 days)

note to self: "Don't automatically assume that *you're* at fault" ;)

Anyway, my next msg arrived in reasonable time, so I guess they're back
on track now... maybe ;-P


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