your argument is correct, if you can store _AND_ execute files.
If you partition the file system, that you can write
only to file systems where you cannot execute, I think
it would be very difficult if not impossible to access
the boot device.

Is there a way to modify the memory and execute the modified
memory without a debugger?

OTOH is it not better to have a write protection that is
not perfect than to have none?


Charles Steinkuehler schrieb:
> > What if during the initial boot process you mount your hard disk as a
> > read-only device then delete the mount command? Would this be sufficient
> > protection for a HD? (i.e. Is there any other program that could be used
> > to remount the HD?)
> >
> > Saving config changes could be handled by mounting a config floppy during
> > the init process that never gets umounted during normal operation.
> This definately throws up a road-block, but as with any software write
> protect, it can ultimately be undone.
> If only software (or a lack thereof) prevents writing to your storage media,
> and you assume some nasty has obtained root access, it's only a matter of
> how many hoops you have to jump through...
> Don't have a mount command?  Copy it off the 'net or call the kernel
> functions to mount directly from your HackerApp.
> No utilities to copy from the 'net?  Cobble something together with nc, or
> just "echo -e "\000\001\002" >HackerApp.bin until you've got the whole
> executable.
> Removed the kernel module to talk to your storage device?  Just copy or
> re-build it (same as above).
> Swapped to a new kernel that doesn't have modular support, and doesn't know
> how to talk to your storage device?  Just talk to the hardware
>'s not that hard to read/write directly to an IDE device with
> no OS intervention.
> And so on...
> In general, if something's write-protected by software, it can be
> un-write-protected by software with enough determination, cleverness, and
> access privliges.  The exception is in some embedded systems, where they
> specifically create hardware write-protection that's triggerable by software
> (but this is fundamentally hardware write protection, not software
> write-protection).  Basically, software can access a device until such time
> as the software goes through a (usually somewhat convoluted, to avoid
> accidents) locking process.  At this point, the hardware write-protectes
> itself, and does not reset without a cold boot, or some other form of manual
> intervention (perhaps pressing a reset button or something).
> Charles Steinkuehler
> ( mirror)
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