
        I just wanted to point out the obvious:

>  Is Bering GNU?
> [snip]
> ...I know asking for doc is a lot, but
> maintaining a file of command lines used to make the binaries
> from source would be an excellent first step.

        While I'm no expert, this is a new definition of GNU for
me: requiring "a file of command lines used to make [all of] the
binaries [in the whole distribution]".

        The source code for Bering (kernel, modules, patches,
packages, etc), and all of the precompiled binaries that come
with it, is freely available to anyone who requests it. Further,
any modifications to GPL'd code that Jacques and Eric made are
also GPL'd.

        That's GNU. Perhaps you are more accustomed to compiling
a standalone binary, most of which utilize a "./configure" script
(itself a GPL'd item), at the command line of a full *nix distro.
However, adhering to such a *convention* (that's all it is) is not
mandated within the precepts of the Copyleft. Nothing is more or
less GNU for doing it or not doing it in this fashion.

        Also, obviously, you're quite welcome to take Bering,
modify it as you wish, put it on an EEPROM for your own use, and
never distribute it. That's GNU too.


PS: Bering being central to LEAF, I've restricted my cross posting
    to just the LEAF lists.

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