On Sat, 2002-07-13 at 15:27, Mike Noyes wrote:
> On Sat, 2002-07-13 at 14:57, Ray Olszewski wrote:
> > Am I mistaken, or doesn't Bering (and Dachstein, and perhaps the other 
> > variants) use some components with idiosyncratic licenses that don't meet 
> > the standards (e.g, the DFSG or OSG criteria) for either free or Open 
> > Source licensing ? I'm thinking in particular of the DJB stuff (dnscache, 
> > tinydns) and one of the intrusion detection packages. I also recall that 
> > there used to be issues with DoC module code, though I believe current DoC 
> > support uses OSG-compliant licensing.
> Correct, but I thought we were discussing the code created by our
> project members, and not code packaged by us. I agree the DJB packages
> may have some problems, but I think we came to the conclusion earlier
> that this was a borderline case. The M-Systems DoC driver license was
> unacceptable, and was never distributed from our SF site.

Additional info:
I believe the versions of PortSentry on our site are under the old
license, and are alright. Please let me know if my belief is incorrect. 



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