Hello K-P
you are right, there is even a small error in the abbreviated version, 
At the bottom I included a part of the original xml documentation. 
hope this makes it more clear.

> Am Mittwoch, 9. Oktober 2002 07:59 schrieb Jacques Nilo:
> > We have three new pieces for the Bering documentation that will be released
> > with rc4 coming out shortly.
> >
> > We would welcome proofreading, comments and suggestions before release.
> >
> > 1 chapter in the Bering installation guide:
> > http://leaf.sf.net/devel/jnilo/bisystem.html
> ---------- snip ---------------------------------------------------
> # SPACECHECK, will check the space available on the root device.
> # If the remaining free space is <= MINKB or <= MINPER, each level
> # of file mask(s) will be wiped, until the minimum available space
> # is met or level 5 is reached. Files are individually null'ed
> # to 0 size. They are not rm'ed. (syslogd will not be interrupted)
> # When the level set in MAIL_LEVEL, is reached or exceeded, an
> # alert will be sent to ADMIN. (If set)
> lrp_SPACECHECK=NO       # YES or NO
> lrp_SC_MINKB=-1         # <= -1 to disable.
> lrp_SC_MINPER=2         # >= 101 to disable. Default 2%.
> lrp_SC_MAIL_LEVEL=2     # >= 6 to disable.
> lrp_SC_MNT="L"
> lrp_SC_MOUNT="/var/log"
> I guess the above comments are self explanatory :-)
> ------------ snip ----------------------------------------------------
> This isn't self explanatory.
> What are 
> lrp_SC_MNT="L"
> lrp_SC_MOUNT="/var/log"
> ?
> I guess the spacecheck will happen on lrp_SC_MOUNT and not on the root device.
> No idea what lrp_SC_MNT stands for...
I hope this part of the original documentation will makes things more 
<screen>  lrp_SPACECHECK=YES    # YES or NO</screen> 
<para>You can find this variable in the systemconfiguration. The 
default is NO.
This will check how much space there is left on a device you specify. 
If the space is less than the limit you set 
than a choosen action will be performed. For example delete files 
and mail an alert
<para>In contrast to the original Dachstein and LRP version which 
tested the root device the Bering image tests the /var/log device
as this is on a separate partition. 
The configuration may seem a little complicated at first.
The lrp_SC_MNT= sets the abbreviation for the different 
partitions/directory that should be tested 
lrp_SC_MNT="L T"
Corresponding there should be a variable set with the name of the 
partition / directory
Now you can specify a treshold for the memory to take an action. 
You can specify this as KB (lrp_SC_MINKB) or percent of the 
in this case there will be an action as soon as the free memory on 
/var/log is less than 200 KB
on the /tmp partition there will be an action as soon as the amount of 
free space is less than 30%
<para>As soon as one of the treshold for a certain partition is 
reached the following action is taken.
look if there is a variable specifying the level and nullify the files in 
this variable. Now the space is checked
again to see if the space is still under the treshold level if yes then 
the next level files is nullified.
This continues untill level 5 is reached.
in level 2 /var/log/daemon.log will be set to 0.

Regards Eric Wolzak
member of the Bering Crew

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