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Mike Noyes wrote:

| On Fri, 2005-08-19 at 15:01, Charles Steinkuehler wrote:
|> I would, however, be in favor of using a very powerful, but very small
|> 'shell-like' scripting language (ie: forth) in the initramfs, with the
|> 'applications' being scripts rather than biaries, which is what would make
|> this idea attractive (at least to me).  The downside is utilities like tar
|> and gunzip would have to be coded in forth, which I haven't been able to
|> find (or had the spare time to write).
| Charles,
| Does the initramfs cpio newc/crc buffer format fulfill the compressed
| file support?

It's not the initramfs system I'm worried about, particularly.  It's the
utilities we need to put INTO the initramfs in order to build a LEAF root
filesystem image from the LRP files and configuration information (ie:
LEAF.CFG and the kernel command line parameters).

Several utilities are needed (look at /linuxrc for full details), but a lot
of stuff could be worked around (ie: replace sed code with 'native' script)
or are fairly trivial (ie: mount/umount and similar are pretty much just
calls to the kernel with little user-mode function we'd have to duplicate),
so it's stuff like gunzip and tar that I think will be hardest to replicate
in a 'ground up' rework of the init scripts.

| I'll look for forth gzip and tar source.

Good luck!  I've looked for these before, but have never been able to put
much time into it.  While you're "on the prowl", it might also be good to
keep an eye out for lua or (other small script interpreter) versions of
these utilities as well...

- --
Charles Steinkuehler
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