> pn] Does anyone here use a KVM switch for GUI workstations?  I use the old
> manual switch boxes for my LRP machines because quality video needs are
> But I've been using a Belkin Omni-Cube 4-port for X/Linux and Windows
> and am unsatisfied with the video degradation.  I'd appreciate any
> on reasonably-priced KVM switches with decent video performance.  Thanks.

Well, my experience is with Belkin (both Omni-cube and their high-end 8x2
dual-head switch), and I can confirm the problems with video quality.  I've
been able to improve it somewhat by using high-end coax video cables, but
the quality's still not great.

As a side-note, the Belkin Omni-cube will lock up linux if you hook the
mouse cable up to a system (like LRP) that doesn't run GPM (or some other
mouse driver), and the keyboard will spew random garbage occasionally if
you're using a MS Natural Keyboard Elite (even after they send you the ROM's
that are supposed to fix this problem).

Sorry I haven't worked with any switches other than the Belkin, so I can't
recommend an alternative.  I'd be interested if anyone has any suggenstions
for *good* KVM switches.

Charles Steinkuehler
http://c0wz.steinkuehler.net (lrp.c0wz.com mirror)

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