Peter Nosko wrote:
> pn] Does anyone here use a KVM switch for GUI workstations?  I use the old
> manual switch boxes for my LRP machines because quality video needs are low.
> But I've been using a Belkin Omni-Cube 4-port for X/Linux and Windows boxes
> and am unsatisfied with the video degradation.  I'd appreciate any feedback
> on reasonably-priced KVM switches with decent video performance.  Thanks.

I highly recommend Linksys KVM's -- for the money, there are none
better, IMHO };-Þ


And, this is from somebody who's not likely to own anything else by
Linksys ;>

We've used both the 2-port (PS2KVM2,
<>) and
4-port (PS2KVM4,
<>) for
several months.  Each can be had for well under $100, if you search

Very rarely have we seen any type of lockup -- usually, due to a
connection kicked loose ;<

The only real gripe we have is, once in awhile, the cursor lags behind
the mouse by a couple of milliseconds and you click; but, there's
nothing quite there on which to click ;<  This is not as bad as it may
sound -- difficult situation to describe -- but, for some of us who fly
around blindly, not always watching what we're doing on automatic pilot,
it can be mildly frustrating.

What do you think?


Best Regards,

mds resource

"Dare to fix things before they break . . . "

"Our capacity for understanding is inversely proportional to how much we
think we know.  The more I know, the more I know I don't know . . . "

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