        Heya. So...from looking over Intelispan's website, 
it looks as if their "Secure VPN Service" is an IPsec one.
In order to have your LRP box support a VPN client, you'll
need to be using a VPN-enabled kernel. Fortunately, that's
not all that hard to do:

1. Got to Charles' site at:

2. Go into the modules directory and replace everything on your
   LRP system's /lib/modules directory with these news ones.
   No shortcuts here: really replace everything you currently
   have with new ones.

3. In Charles' modules/IPV4 directory, get the new ip_masq_ipsec.o
   file as well.

4. Using lrcfg, configure the modules section so it loads this new
   ip_masq_ipsec.o file at boot time. 

5. Download one of the ~460kB kernel files, and write it to your
   LRP disk as the "linux" file.

6. Back up, reboot.

        Now your LRP box should be VPN capable. You still need
to configure the firewall to support your client Win98 box,
however. For that, I use echowall. Tell it the MAC-ID of the
box you want to IPSec from, put that into "IPSEC_HOST_MACID"
field in the .conf file. If you don't know the MAC-ID, just use
"echowall scan" to see a list for your whole LAN. Then put IPSEC
into the WANTED_SERVICES list ( actually, I think it's there by
default). Once your .conf is updated, use "echowall start" and 
it should all fly.
        No, really. :)

        Also, which network game? I'm trying to keep the list
of apps supported by echowall very up-to-date. So, all of MS'
Direct-X games are in there, as is Asheron's call, and of course
Quake. If I'm missing a good one, lemme know.
        Hope this helps!


> I am a satisfied LRP user (many thinks to the folks behind this) with just
> enough technical knowledge to be dangerous.  I believe am using an older
> EigerStein image (/etc/issue says 'LRP 3.1.0'), somewhat modified, as a
> firewall/NAT gateway on my private LAN connected to my cable modem.  One of
> the client machines behind this firewall is a Win98 machine which needs to
> access my employer's intranet using a VPN solution provided by Intelispan.
> This Intelispan client works if I connect the Win98 machine directly to the
> cable modem but when I'm behind the LRP firewall it seems to connect but no
> traffic arrives.  I can supply whatever other information you'd like.  I am
> assuming (hoping!) that this is just a matter of opening the correct ports.
> I would like to expose the right ports on my Win98 machine to designated
> Intelispan hosts as though there were no intervening firewall.
> Also, to play my favorite networked game, I need to type in four commands to
> open holes in the firewall.  Since the router virtually never goes down,
> I've just retyped them after booting on those rare occations when I reboot
> for some reason.
> My questions are:
> On other distros, there is something like rc.local or rc.firewall. Where in
> LRP do I put commands (e.g., for my game) that I want run each time after
> boot?
> Let's say I know the ports that need to be open for the VPN, how do I open
> them to designated Intelispan hosts as though there was no firewall?
> Thanks!
> -Alan Mead

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