From: Scott C. Best <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Alan:
> Heya. So...from looking over Intelispan's website,
> it looks as if their "Secure VPN Service" is an IPsec one.
> In order to have your LRP box support a VPN client, you'll
> need to be using a VPN-enabled kernel. Fortunately, that's
> not all that hard to do:
>[detailed instructions]
> Now your LRP box should be VPN capable. You still need
> to configure the firewall to support your client Win98 box,
> however. For that, I use echowall.
> [more instructions]
> Once your .conf is updated, use "echowall start" and
> it should all fly.
> No, really. :)

Hey Scott,

Thanks for your *very* detailed instructions... Just to make sure, before I
do this, these are the commands I need to make this client work, right?  I'm
not trying to connect the LRP machine to the Intranet (I do *not* want the
rest of my machines on their stinking net:), just trying to make this client
work through the firewall.

And is echowall part of Charles' image or else where do I get that?  Is it
possible to automate the start-up on boot?

> Also, which network game? I'm trying to keep the list
> of apps supported by echowall very up-to-date. So, all of MS'
> Direct-X games are in there, as is Asheron's call, and of course
> Quake. If I'm missing a good one, lemme know.
> Hope this helps!

The game is Unreal Tournament and I think it's pretty cool... the four
commands are:

ipmasqadm autofw -A -r udp 7777 7777 -h -v
ipmasqadm autofw -A -r udp 7778 7778 -h -v
ipmasqadm autofw -A -r udp 7779 7779 -h -v
ipmasqadm autofw -A -r udp 27900 27900 -h -v

where is my UT machine.

Thanks again!


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